Ham Radio 2000 #2
Ham Radio 2000 - Volume 2.iso
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197 lines
#SAMPLE: these are the defaults used.
#These are new names for the various files and directories used in nos.
#To use them, run nos as 'nos -fnos.cfg'
#lines need to be either comments (starting with #)
#or have a valid 'file=filename' format.
#(lines are NOT case sensitive.)
#all others are ignored; this allows for different compiles to
#use the same files-configuration file...
#both spaces or tabs can be used as separators.
#TNOS 1.10 - KO4KS
#the autoexec file containing system setup
Startup = /autoexec.nos
#the user permission file
Userfile = /ftpusers
#the ftp host file for auto-login
Hostfile = /net.rc
#the mail log file
Maillog = /spool/mail.log
#the directory where local mail gets delivered
Mailspool = /spool/mail
#the directory where mail gets queued for the smtp daemon to handle
Mailqdir = /spool/mqueue
#this should have same path as the above!!
Mailqueue = /spool/mqueue/*.wrk
#if you route mail, here is goes
Routeqdir = /spool/rqueue
#the mail alias file
Alias = /alias
#the mail-groups file
Group = /groups
#the domain.txt file
Dfile = /domain.txt
#directory where finger files go
Fdir = /finger
#the file where the finger database is maintained
Fdbase = /finger/dbase.dat
#the file that contains the Quote-of-the-day data
Quotes = /spool/quotes
#the directory for the TUTOR Learning Center
Tutor = /spool/tutor
#the directory for the INFO Information Center
Info = /spool/info
#the directory for the NEWS News Center
News = /spool/news
#the directory for the BBS CMD files
UserCmds = /spool/cmds
#the help file for the BBS CMD command
UCmdsHelp = /spool/help/usercmds.hlp
#the spool directory
Spool = /spool
#the list of areas on the system available to users
Arealist = /spool/areas
#the list of areas on the system available to sysops
AreaSlist = /spool/areas.sys
#mail rewrite rules
Rewritefile = /spool/rewrite
#user signatures go here
Signature = /spool/signatur
#Bulletin ID's go here
Historyfile = /spool/history
#Help files go in this directory
Helpdir = /spool/help
#the user defaults file (created by system)
UDefaults = /spool/users.dat
#backup of the above
UDefbak = /spool/users.bak
#pop users are listed in this
Popusers = /popusers
#NNTP directory
Newsdir = /spool/nnews
#BBS forward file
Forwardfile = /spool/forward.bbs
#saved netrom routes go here
Netromfile = /netrom.sav
#these commands get executed on exit
Onexit = /onexit.nos
#expire command file
Expirefile = /spool/expire.dat
#FTP help file
FTPHelp = /spool/help/ftp.hlp
#FTP message of the day
Ftpmotd = /spool/ftpmotd
#help file for the Mini Message Editor
EditorHelp = /spool/help/editor.hlp
#mailbox "one-shot" message of the day file
MOTDfile = /spool/motd
#mailbox message of the day file for Sysops
MOTDsysfile = /spool/motd.sys
#mailbox "one-shot" New User file
NEWUSERfile = /spool/newuser
#White Pages file with BBS heirarchial addresses
WhitePagesBBS = /spool/wpagebbs
#White Pages file with "user@bbs" entries
WhitePages = /spool/wpages
#Conference user info file
ConfInfo = /spool/confinfo
#Conference help file
ConfHlp = /spool/help/confmode.hlp
#Conference Net Control help file
NetControlHlp = /spool/help/netcntrl.hlp
#NNTP active file
Active = /spool/news/active
#NNTP pointer file
Pointer = /spool/news/pointer
#NNTP info
NInfo = /spool/news/info
#NNTP help
Nhelp = /spool/news/help
#NNTP message history file
History = /spool/news/history
#NNTP forward
Forward = /spool/news/forward
#NNTP poll
Poll = /spool/news/poll
#Mailbox Help file
MBOXHelp = /spool/help/mbox.hlp
#Command Session Help file
CommandHelp = /spool/help/command.hlp
#Command Session version file
VersionFile = /spool/help/version.hlp
#GPS position data - experimental
GPSfile = /GPSfile
#ANSI areas file - color splash screen
ANSIArea = /spool/menus/areas.bbs
#ANSI login file - color splash screen
ANSILogin = /spool/menus/login.bbs
#Conference Bridge SMILEYS data file
SMILEYFile = /spool/help/smileys.txt
#Conference Bridge NEWS file
ConfNews = /spool/help/confnews.txt
#Delegation data file
DelegateFile = /spool/mail/delegate